The online medical records system
The project “meine.WEGA” (German abbreviation for “my web-based health record”) gives patients the ability to set up their own medical record. They can use it to store personal data concerning their medical history, such as diagnostic reports, doctors’ letters, images (x-ray, CT, MRT, etc), medication charts, and other documents such as vaccination cards, organ donor cards, health insurance provider information and living wills. Sophisticated filters enable the user to search for specific information. There is also a folder for emergencies and Lasting Powers of Attorney. In addition, it offers viewers for various electronic file formats (e.g. for x-ray, CT and MRT images).
Motivated by her own experience as a cancer patient, Simone Pareigis launched the project in 2008. Back then, her patient records weighed 16.5 kg and digitising them was a logical step for her.
In this context, it is particularly important to her that patients retain full authority over their own data: users determine which doctors should have access. The doctors then receive an access code that expires after one hour.

“meine.WEGA” is a German abbreviation for “my web-based health record,” a web application for the individual storage of personal healthcare information, which can be accessed from any computer, smartphone or tablet with an internet connection. The project originally started out with three participants (patient, doctor, medical IT specialist). The working group was eventually expanded to include representatives from different healthcare areas, which soon bolstered the acceptance of the new application.
The meine.WEGA project demonstrates the innovative force that healthcare system patients’ practical knowledge can have when implemented in the right place. The prime mover behind the project is Simone Pareigis, an engaged patient who recognised the potential of digitalisation in the healthcare sector before others did. She advocates for stronger participation by patients in the digitalisation process and among other things is also involved as co-author of the “White Paper für ein zukunftsfähiges Gesundheitssystem”.
The meine.WEGA project’s compliance with data privacy guidelines has been certified according to German standards and confirmed by the German Cancer Society.